Saturday, July 11, 2009

HTHMA: Events/Calendar

Calendar Help and Comment

Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for important upcoming events:
9/21/11 -- Staff Day
September 28th - Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
September 29th - 8:30 - Chat with Robert - This is an opportunity for any parents and guardians to come talk about our school with Robert. Find out about course sequences, project-based learning, internship... anything except concerns about an individual student.
9/28/11 -- Fresh & Easy fundraiser, Catalina and Cannon Sts., 4-8 p.m.
October 5th - Minimum Day - Classes Dismissed at Noon in order to help facilitate SLCs
October 6-7 - Senior Retreat
October 12th - Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
October 12th - All grade 11 students will take the PSAT. All grade 9 and 10 students will take the

Ready Step test. Please, help make sure students arrive on time.

October 14th - Fall Holiday
October 24th - Staff Day, no school
October 26th - Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
November 9th - Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
November 9th -- HTHMA PA meeting, 5 p.m., conference room
November 11th - Veterans’ Day, no school
November 21-25th - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 14th - Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
December 14th -- HTHMA PA meeting, 5 p.m., conference room
December 19-January 2nd - Winter Holiday
January 3rd - 1st day of second semester